What about passing a budget that supports ALL Human Rights?

Cheryl Wallington (right) participates in a rally at the Thompson Center against budget cuts to mental health programs on May 13, 2014. maxresdefaultAs an Employment Counselor and Case Manager at a social service agency in Chicago, I want to bring attention to this serious matter that you may not be aware of. For over 120 days (nearly 5 months) Gov. Rauner has yet to make a decision on the budget for the entire state of Illinois. Instead of making corporate businesses pay higher taxes, social services are cut left and right. This Monday, was MORAL Mondays which is where activists some together to use their voice to speak up about Rauner not passing a budget and how the rich should be taxed.In my current role and bring in this field, I knew being in tough and can be exhausting at times but I won't give up. I will never stop fighting for the rights of humanity because if I don't, who will? All the time, I think about the lack of resources and how if there were enough resources to go around or if people were educated and everyone was given equal opportunity to succeed---what would our world look like. Will we ever be close to this image?It's been 5 months and people who are in similar jobs are faced with the unfortunate reality that our work could be shut down if no budget it passed. If there's no money passed that allocate $ to specific programs, more and more people will be on the streets and there will be an uproar even more, a major revolution. Just today, there were several activists arrested for protesting against Rauner and his decisions to cut program and funding to social service, child care and services for individuals with a disability.In Judaism, there's a term called B'tzelem Elohim that means in the image of G-d. Imagine, if we each treated one another like we were an image of G-d...I know the perfect world doesn't exist but we can each use our hands, voice and heart to make our own worlds more perfect and more just. http://www.reformjudaism.org/btzelem-elohim-gods-imageHere's one of my favorite songs from the legend, Jewish musician Dan Nichols. When I was younger and in temple choir we sang it!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vky2vjnvF2QCame across these articles and thought I'd help shine some light on the current budget imposse in Illinois:Rahm Emanuel:“I would just say this to the governor and the governor’s office: You’re 120 days behind budget, $6 billion and counting in not paying bills,” Emanuel said. “Stop name-calling and just do your job.”I couldn't agree more Rahm. Us in social service are barely getting by and could be without jobs making ourselves be in the same position our client are in. This is just WRONG.http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/30/rauner-emanuel-feud-over-budget-unions-reaches-new/I would love to hear your thoughts on this and look forward to posting again soon :)


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